LieblingsKren durchsuchen

Roasted horseradish-chickpeas

Ingredients for 4 servings: 

500 g cooked chickpeas
5 tbsp LieblingsKren
2 tbsp olive oil 
2 tbsp tahin
4 tbsp water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vinegar
1 tbsp yeast flakes
2 tbsp maize starch 


Heat the baking oven to 160° (convection oven). Put all ingredients, except the chickpeas and the maize starch into a blender and puree it finely. Stir the maize starch into the mousse. Mix the chickpeas with the mousse until all chickpeas are covered. Spread the chickbeas onto a baking tray and bake them for 15 minutes. Turn the chipeas over and bake them for another 15 minutes. Turn out the baking oven and let the chickpeas dry for around 10 minutes. Serve as a snack or top a tasty salad with the roasted chickpeas. A recipe from eat this!

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