LieblingsKren durchsuchen

Fried artichokes with creamy spinach and LieblingsKren foam

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 Artichokes
200 g creamed spinach
8 cherry tomatoes
100 ml vegetable stock or chicken stock
50 g LieblingsKren
20 ml whipped cream
40 g butter
100 g zucchini slices
olive oil
30 g butter
Salt, pepper nutmeg
fresh rosemary and thyme
4 pieces of garlic


LieblingsKren foam: cook the vegetable stock, the whipped cream and the LieblingsKren together for about 10 minutes at 90 ° C. Then mix with 40 g softened butter and season with salt and nutmeg.
Heat 30 g butter with olive oil. Add garlic, rosemary, thyme and sauté artichokes and fry with little heat. Towards the end of cooking add the tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper.
Prepare the cream-spinach according to the instrucktions on the packet.
To serve: spread cream-spinach with artichoke and tomato on the plate. Decorate with the LieblingsKren foam.

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